Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Blackwell Sinners

The Blackwell Sinners @ Americana Tuesdays, February 22, 2011... We're bringing these guys back on December 13th... I remember sitting on the porch on Homestead Ave., watching the clouds roll in, and thinking about a Navajo blanket. High school can't last forever but we've got videos of the things we've done, and people are having babies to do it all over again for us.

"Why aren't we as smart when we wake up as we are in our dreams?" - Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas

"Anything which refers to the matter, even obliquely, is far from the mark. An incapacity for relevance is to be discovered as the muscle of salvation, but flexed and exercised as rarely as possible. The economy of desperation must be recognized. We don't need art that often. Now and then let Her step out of Her underwear. A little goes a long way." - Leonard Cohen, Book of Longing

"It was fortuitous that the records I got had this harmonica player, Yank Rachell, and Sleepy John Estes playing the mandolin. It was exotic in the same way that Turkish music is. I don't remember who the first hillbilly singers were I heard. I think I got into it through Irish music, in that same store where I was trying to get Romanian bagpipe records. You could get a lot of that sort of record in Oakland, California, by then. I went there for something else." - Harry Smith, Think of the Self Speaking

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